Rock climbers Chris Sharma and Boone Speed

The Route Developers: Chris Sharma and Boone Speed

Chris Sharma and Boone Speed chat about route development, first ascents, and futuristic lines.

A visionary climber, Chris Sharma has cleaned, bolted, and sent more new routes than anyone can count.

Climbing route setter Jacky Godoffe

The Route Setter: Jacky Godoffe

The art of setting, straight from the master.

Route setting is not about perfection, but a research of emotion. We always have to remember why we are setting. I don’t set just to put holds on the wall. I set to tell a story.


Seasons: Alizée Dufraisse

Motivation is ephemeral, fleeting, like the passing seasons.

Motivation is ephemeral, fleeting, like the passing seasons. “The important thing is to be here, to enjoy, to learn, knowing that you are where you want to be,” says Alizée Dufraisse. As her life and …

Read moreSeasons: Alizée Dufraisse

Alex Megos and Chris Sharma share climbing beta at Margalef, Spain. Photo: Ken Etzel.

Behind the Send

Sharing the stories of the people who make the climbing life possible.

Climbing is often depicted as an individual pursuit—the climber versus the rock—yet, unless you’re out there naked free-soloing every day, that doesn’t tell the full story.

Climber Alizée Dufraisse, Ali Baba Cave, Rodellar, Spain.

Style is a State of Mind

Alizée Dufraisse attacks her climbing weaknesses and comes away with a surprising ascent.

When you face your anti-style, or any type of climbing for that matter, success should not be measured in sends, but in becoming a better climber.

Chris Sharma Deep Water Soloing

Chris Sharma: Return to Balance

The king of deep-water soloing finds new lines to fuel his soul in Mont-Rebei, Spain.

The beauty of deep water soloing is that it’s such a free form of climbing. You’re out there exploring, and feel like a kid again, climbing up a tree. It’s very playful, spontaneous, and creative.

Alizee Dufraisse trying La Rambla 9a+. Siurana. Pic Josep Malo

Winners of #TheBestSend Competition

The judges have spoken: Here are the top five drawings and stories.

Whether you’re stuck at home or in a van, in challenging times like these, it’s good to reflect on why we love the sport.

Alizée Dufraisse rock climbing in Siurana, Spain

Trust the Process

Tenaya athlete Alizée Dufraisse on the mental game of projecting difficult climbs.

Through the process you learn powerful life lessons: try harder, be positive, believe in yourself, never give up.

Drew Ruana sets up for the crux of Sleepwalker (V16/8C+), Red Rock Canyon, Nevada. Photo: Cameron Hörst.

Sending Sleepwalker

Tenaya athlete Drew Ruana on his first V16 ascent in Red Rock Canyon, Nevada.

As the days went by, my skin degraded—getting softer, thrashed. The combination of Red Rock, Nevada’s dry desert air and abrasive sandstone grated off layer after layer until little was left.

Tenaya athlete Alex Megos on Perfecto Mundo (9b+/5.15c), Margalef, Spain. Photo: Ken Etzel.

Locked Out and Loathing in Margalef

Tenaya athlete Alex Megos on his memorable mission to climb Perfecto Mundo (9b+/5.15c).

On the way, we made a fateful pit stop at the supermarket. While Ken and I were distracted by his camera, we didn’t realize the car was broken into, and my climbing pack and camera gear were stolen.